Report on Texas Annual Conference 2022
Please join Pastor Leo and delegates to the Annual Conference in the Sanctuary on Sunday, June 26, during the Sunday School hour, 10:10am. Pastor Leo would like to take the opportunity to give a comprehensive report on some of the activities and decisions that occurred during the 4-day Annual Conference in downtown Houston at Hotel Americas.
Each church has delegates who, as part of the local church nomination process, are invited to participate in the conference. Howard Hill and Eloy Pineda are the lay delegates from Bear Creek UMC, along with Nicole Thomas and Jeeaneth Valenzuela as lay district delegates representing the Southwest District and Rev. Ron Hilton and Pastor Leo as clergy delegates were in attendance during conference days.
Give them a shout-out for their dedication. It was a big year for the Annual conference and you may have some questions. Pastor Leo and delegates will speak to those who attend and your questions will be answered by their report. Pastor Leo looks forward to this opportunity to share with you.
Quick Details:
- Where: Sanctuary
- When: Sunday, June 26 at 10:10am (during Sunday School hour)
- What: An opportunity to give a comprehensive report on some of the activities and decisions that occurred during the 4-day 2022 Annual Conference.