Quick Links: Give Online | Pledge Online | Text to Give | Give by Mail
Every gift is an expression of your commitment to the work that God has called us to do, and no act of generosity is too small – each one makes an impact! We are truly grateful for your generosity and appreciate your willingness to help us further our mission of creating a space and inclusive faith community seeking and growing in Christ’s love.
Give Online
If you would like to give online to Bear Creek United Methodist Church you can login to your ShelbyGiving account. If you don’t have one already, ShelbyNext makes it easy to give a one-time gift or setup recurring gifts.
Pledge To Support Your Church
To make a commitment to give a certain amount in 2024, please complete the pledge form. Pledge cards to the church are vital as they help us better plan our ministries for the year.
Give by Text
For those of you that enjoy less clicking, we have the option to give a gift to Bear Creek UMC by text message. Simply text the amount you would like to give to 281-377-3665.
Give at church
If you attend one of our Sunday morning services, drop your cash or check into the offering plate by the door to the Sanctuary as you enter or leave worship.
Give by mail
If you would like to give by mail, you can mail a check (cash is not recommended) to the following address:
ATTN: Finance
16000 Rippling Water Dr.
Houston, TX 77084
United States