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Bear Creek Adult Ministry
Come experience Christ in a small group setting. Our Christian life is so much more than a Worship Service once a week. Bear Creek has many opportunities for you to meet in a much smaller group.
We have groups where you can share your cares and concerns, where you can learn together or where you can share a common interest. In all our groups, you will have an opportunity to gather with other members of our congregation and our community who gain new friends, share common concerns, care for each other and grow in Christ together. Come join us. We have a place for you.

Adult Sunday Classes
Our adult education ministry offers Adult Sunday School at 10:10 on Sunday mornings. Our groups range in size from 4 to 50 and study a variety of topics, including Christian living and Bible Study. Most classes are not age specific but some are focused and organized around the different seasons of our lives. (Families with small children, for example.)
Betwixt and Between – Bible Study Class meeting in the Family Life Center at 10:15
Foundations – Various curriculum Class meeting in the Family Life Center Room 101 at 10:10
New Beginnings – Various curriculum Class meeting in the Family Life Center Room 102 at 10:10
Seekers – Various curriculum Class meeting in the Family Life Center Room 212/213 at 10:10
United Disciples – Various curriculum Class meeting in Asbury Building Room 2 at 10:10
Adult Studies & Gatherings
We have several study and gathering opportunities on other days of the week. We offer some of these at the church and others occur in members’ homes. Topics range from various Christian living and Bible Study to gatherings to talk about where we are in our lives and how Christ helps us through the day.
Monday Bible Study – Meeting Mondays in the Worship Center from 1:00 – 2:30
Bible Café – Meeting Tuesdays in the Worship Center from 9:15 – 10:30
Wednesday Nights – Various study and gathering opportunities – Worship Center from 6:30 – 8:00. Watch the newsletter and website for class schedules and content.
Home/Community Small Groups – Meeting a variety of nights studying various material. Contact the church office to find a small group or start one.
MOPS (Moms of Preschoolers) & MomsNext is a place to find friendship, community, resources, and support for you as a woman and a mother. We welcome mothers of all ages and stages: mommies of babies to kindergarteners and beyond! No mom should mother alone, you need all the support you can find! We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. Childcare is available!
Adult Interest Groups
We offer other opportunities to gather with individuals called to a special interest. These opportunities occur throughout the week.
Fellowship Friday
Piece Makers – Quilters
Prayer Team
Facility Work Team
Congregational Care Team