Safe Sanctuary

Safe Sanctuary is a set of policies and procedures we implement in order to keep our kids in a safe and nurturing environment. Safe Sanctuary training is required for all adults working with children under 18 years old.

We have updated the training to reflect online programming.

Step 1

Watch the Safe Sanctuary video here. Please note the transcription is for reference and has not been proofed. You can access the accompanying documents on the BC Kids GoogleDrive.

Step 2

Please watch the Safe Sanctuary Video and complete the following quiz. Results will be sent via email. Thank you! LINK

Step 3

Please sign and submit Appendix C,D,F,G-1 (if under 18 years of age; requires Signature of Parent), G-2 and H, and a copy of your driver’s license to

Safe Sanctuary certification renewal is required every year. For more information please contact the church office at 281.463.2330. In person training is held in the Family Life Center, Room 102 unless otherwise noted. Please review our Safe Sanctuary Policy and complete Appendix C, D, F, G-1(if under 18 years of age; requires Signature of Parent), G-2 and H prior to attending an in person training session.

Throughout the gospels, Jesus provides teachings on providing a peaceable kingdom for all of God’s people, including our most precious gifts, our children and youth (Matthew 5:9, Luke 18:15-17). The peaceable kingdom begins with sanctuary.

Scriptures provide examples of how sanctuary is to be a community of protective nurture and harmony (Psalms 20:1-2, 27:4-5). As Christians, we are called to create a safe sanctuary in our churches. They must be holy, safe, and protective communities for all of God’s children, regardless of age or ability. The purpose of this policy is to address the safety of our children and youth at all local churches, and at District or Annual Conference sponsored events. Bear Creek United Methodist Church recognizes the need to have a formal, written policy with procedures in place (1) to help prevent the opportunity for the occurrence and/or the appearance of abuse of children and youth and (2) to help protect workers from false accusations and/or suspicions.

The following policy and procedures are not based on a lack of trust in workers, but are intended to protect our preschoolers, children, youth, workers, employees, volunteers and the entire church body. Careful and confidential documentation is essential to show compliance with policies, to verify information as needed, and to have an accurate record in the case of an incident.