Stewardship Campaign Pledge Letter 2023

Dear Church Family,

We are coming up on the annual Stewardship Campaign. A time Bear Creek United Methodist Church rallies together to set individual and family goals for giving during 2024. It is through our pledges that the finance committee is able to plan our Church budget for the upcoming year, and decide the ministries and outreach that our Church will focus on in 2024. As we consider our part in the financial support of this Church, the Give Team would like to ask each of you to first consider “what does my Church mean to me”?

We remember how our community banded together to help the neighborhood recover from the floods during the past few years. After the 9/11 tragedy, the Church was packed, and there was comfort to be found within the Church walls surrounded by our Church family. And we can recall the solace the Church provided during the isolation of the COVID Pandemic.  We have individually experienced the outreach and support during difficult times.

Our Church has shared God’s love with our community for years through our pre-school program, VBS, home repairs, Angel Tree, disaster relief, and the Mesa food pantry to name a few. We share the love of God with people who might otherwise never encounter it. We have a positive impact on those around us as we sow the seeds of love, hope, and faith to those in need.

The church is not the building. The church is the people, the congregation.  Bear Creek UMC binds us together as a Church family. This church family is there to lift us up and surround us with love, faith, and tangible help when hardships and heartache hit. In the ups and downs of everyday living we see a glimpse God’s love for his people in the faces of our Church family. Bear Creek UMC serves as our anchor to strengthen our relationship with God, and renew our faith, so that we can carry the message of Jesus into the world.

So, as we determine what goals to pursue; we ask that you would prayerfully ask yourself what our Church means to you.  Our Church has endured for 47 years because of our commitment to showing Christ’s love to the Bear Creek community. There is value in the community we have created. Bear Creek aims to continue to be a source of Christ’s love as we serve one another and our community for many years to come.

With gratitude,

Bear Creek UMC Give Team

Sarah and Ayan Kenzhebayev

Gary and Kathy Nelson